Project -- Deep-Fashion

I am the captain of this project team. The target of this project is using compter vision to classify costumers‘ clothing attributes. After that, we will use these attributes data for predicting the garment products which costumers will be interested. We used Inception-V3 model from Tensorflow to do the classification.

Project details

DeepFashion ver.1.0 -- Customer clothing detection + In-shop LED Navigation

DeepFashion ver.2.0 -- Customer clothing detection + In-shop AR Navigation


  • 2019 Sep
    Formed a team of 4

    Started to study the field of Computer Vision, including: models, trends, similar projects, etc.

  • 2020 May
    Champion in CCU MIS Project Competition

    We made a 3D model and a Inception-V3 model to show how it works. The judges are intersted in our project.

  • 2020 Sep
    Formed a team of 8

    Since we want to improve the accuracy of the prediction model and rebuild the 3D model of fashion shop, new members are invited into my team. We used Yolo v3 instead of Inception-V3 which can do the detection much faster. Apart from the prediction model, we used blender to render the 3D model and added lighting effects.

  • 2020 Nov
    Represented CCU to participate "International ICT Innovative Serivces Awards 2020"

    "International ICT Innovative Serivces Awards 2020"「2020第25屆大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽」

Team Members